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Chatham Islands - Longer and Stronger Project


Biosecurity and the Chatham Islands

The Chatham Islands ecosystems and primary sector are unique being free of many of the invasive pests and diseases established in other parts of New Zealand. SPS Biota assist the Chatham Islands Council and Environment Canterbury with Chatham Islands border biosecurity programme (operating under the Biosecurity Act and Chatham Islands Pest Management Plan).

Anything shipped or transported could provide a pathway for pests (weeds species, insects, marine pests & diseases) to arrive on the Chatham Islands. 

Longer and Stronger airport runway

The most recent large special project we are involved in is the Longer and Stronger airport runway extension project which Downers were successful in winning the tender.

They have a large amount of heavy machinery and roading equipment that is being pulled from roading projects around the country.. We have been working alongside Downers Project Managers, Porter Hire Hamilton; who are also supplying a large amount of machinery and equipment to Downers and Heron Construction Company; who are providing a tug (Capricorn Alpha) and barge (Cronus).

SPS Biota staff have been

  • communicating Biofouling requirements for the barge and tug to ensure no unwanted marine organisms hitchhike a ride to the islands
  • arranging pest control on board for ants and rodents
  • providing advice on cleaning protocols for machinery and equipment to meet biosecurity standards
  • conducting pre-shipment inspections on site before the equipment and machinery is sent to the load point and supervising further cleaning as required on site
  • arranging residual insecticide treatments
  • supervising loading to ensure only cleaned, treated equipment goes on board as machinery and equipment is coming from all around the country


To learn more about this project please visit:



Photos taken by David McArtney, Heron Construction Company Ltd