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Keeping you updated in 2024!

Happy New Year! We are looking forward to the year ahead and keeping you informed on the latest biosecurity news throughout 2024. Transitional Facility Updates You may have seen in the July Edition of the See, Contain, Report Newsletter that MPI has removed the automatic expiry of TF Approval. This...

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from SPS Biota!

We thank you for your support this year and look forward to working with you again next year. Our Auckland Office will be closed from 22nd December 2023 – 7th January 2024 and will re-open on Monday 8th January 2024. For any urgent enquiries please contact us on 0800 246 821 For any Training Bookings...

Download Find-a-Pest's updated app today!

Find-a-Pest has recently launched an updated version of their free IOS and Android apps, with new features to boot!   As Kiwis, we all know how bad pests are, but when think you’ve find one, what should you do? One helpful option is to use the Find-a-Pest app! The app...

Applied Entrepreneurial Horticulture Graduates 2023

19 students received their completion certificates at University of South Pacific (USP) Samoa campus last week, after completing their applied entrepreneurial horticulture training run in partnership between USP and Te Pukenga/Wintec. During the course students learnt the basics of commercial horticulture and plant care, health and safety, food safety, and...

NEW See, Contain, Report Newsletter - November 2023

Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) have released a new edition of the See, Contain, Report Newsletter. The November 2023 Edition gives updates on various areas of the Transitional Facility Window including; The Biosecurity Business Pledge - Partnering to Protect Removal of the Operating Manual Template from the MPI website Improving...

Brown marmorated stink bug season is here!

The brown marmorated stink bug season is here. Over summer it is important to keep a look out for these pests (Haylomorpha halys), which are not present in New Zealand but are a real threat to a wide variety of plants and NZ’s horticulture industries. There are, however, species of...

New Caledonia Biosecurity Training

Keith Budd, SPS Biota’s Offshore programmes director recently delivered biosecurity training to The Veterinary, Food and Phytosanitary Inspection Service (SIVAP) border teams of New Caledonia. New Caledonia operates a biosecurity border control system like New Zealand’s to minimise the introduction of biological threats. New Caledonia’s exposure to biological threats has...

National education and training seminar (NETS) 2023 | Paihia

SPS Biota staff attended the National education and training seminar (NETS) 2023 organised by the New Zealand Biosecurity Institute, held in Paihia on the 26th to 28th of July 2023. The theme of this year's NETS was "Toitū te whenua, toitū te moana, toitū te tangata - If the land is well,...

NEW See, Contain, Report Newsletter - July 2023

Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) have released a new edition of the See, Contain, Report Newsletter. The July 2023 Edition gives updates on various areas of the Transitional Facility Window including; The Biosecurity Business Pledge - Partnering to Protect Expiry of a TF approval Change is in the air for...