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NEW Chatham Islands Biosecurity e-learning OUT NOW

Good biosecurity is critical to the preservation of the unique environment of the Chatham Islands.

To highlight this we have created e-Learning modules in conjunction with Chatham Islands Council and Environment Canterbury.

The course contains information on:

- Biosecurity in New Zealand

- Biosecurity on the Chatham Islands

- how could pests and weeds arrive?

- biosecurity work on the Chathams

- Who to contact if you live on the Chathams

- Who to contact if you are sending goods to the Chathams

All you need to do to access the course is register on our eLearning platform and then enrol in the course. You will even get a certificate when you finish!

Click here to enrol in the Chatham Islands Biosecurity eLearning.

Once you’ve finished, why not check out our other free courses, on brown marmorated stink bug and forest biosecurity.