Keith Budd, SPS Biota’s Offshore programmes director recently delivered biosecurity training to The Veterinary, Food and Phytosanitary Inspection Service (SIVAP) border teams of New Caledonia.

New Caledonia operates a biosecurity border control system like New Zealand’s to minimise the introduction of biological threats. New Caledonia’s exposure to biological threats has increased with the flow of goods, through online shopping, and through the increasing number of people movement in and out of New Caledonia.

The training, that included discussions on improvements to border practices and systems, was a sharing of experience based on practical inspections carried out at the various sites by border officers. Five biosecurity divisions; CITES instruction, the Quarantine and Animal health department (QSA), Plants Protection Department (PV), Postal and seaway routes biosecurity border department (IVMP) and Airway routes biosecurity border department (IVA) were targeted.

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